
Calendar Campaign 5785

  • Once again the Chabad Center at Chestnut Hill will be producing our unique, annual Calendar, customized for the Boston area. The calendar has received rave reviews and families have requested copies throughout the past year. The Calendar will once again include the secular as well as Jewish dates, educational messages and Shabbat & Holiday candle lighting times. The date boxes are quite practical with ample room for recording family appointments.

    Unlike ads/announcements in other publications that have a very short life span, potential customers will view the colorful and informative Calendar the whole year round, providing maximum return for your dollar. It will undoubtedly be displayed in homes and offices throughout the community thus insuring optimum visibility for your message, products or services.

    We will be printing 5000 copies of the calendar, which will be mailed directly to homes within the community. You have the unique opportunity to personalize this calendar with your ad or special date. Above each months page will be an eye catching space to advertise your business or to send a greeting to the community. The Calendar will also feature space for New Year greetings, your families special occasions, i.e. Bar/Bat Mitzvah, weddings, student graduations, Yahrtzeits, birthdays and anniversaries printed in the calendar on the date of the occasion.

    The Chabad Center at Chestnut Hill is known for its activities that are geared to Jews of all religious and educational backgrounds. As this is part of our fundraising projects, your New Year greeting or advertisement is crucial to our growth and continued ability to serve the community.

  • Family Listing

    $54 each
  •  Please include my family birthdays/yartzeits/anniversaries - $54.00 ea

    * Please type names exactly as you'd like them to appear in our calendar

    * All birthdays, anniversaries and yartzeits will be displayed in the calendar box on the date which they occur

    * Years are not required but will assist us in determining your Hebrew Birthday (Years will NOT be printed in the calendar).

  • Pick a Date
  • Pick a Date
  • Pick a Date
  • Pick a Date
  • Pick a Date
  • Pick a Date
  • Calendar Advertisement

  • * All ads must be received no later than July 25th, 2024

    * Business listings, personal messages, Bar/Bat Mitzvah announcements, graduating student and more, can be placed in a business card ad space.

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    Checks can be mailed to Chabad Center at Chestnut Hill, 163 Bellingham Rd., Chestnut Hill MA 02467
    Billing Address
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